Where is your story taking you?
Olivia O’Brien, MSc, CPC | Sister Siren
Certified Professional Coach & Consultant based in Southern California.
Thus began years of deconstructing a narrative she had held so dear in her childhood, and reconstructing a new world view that better suited both her reality and the dreams that lay before her… but seemed so out of reach.
This dedication was expanded in 2023 as Olivia began her Master’s of Science degree in London, UK, studying applied positive psychology (MAPP) and focusing her research on positive dating, relationships, and singleness. Having recently graduated from the program in November 2024, Olivia is now fully equipped with science-backed theories, tools, models, methods, and interventions to help her clients thrive, no matter their circumstances.
So if you’ve been struggling and desire well-being, encouragement, confidence, and a life filled with meaningful, abundant joy, SSC might just be what you’ve been searching for. With professional guidance, psychological methodologies, evidence-based coaching approaches, and lots of genuine compassion, you can fast-track yourself into the strong, resilient, confident, capable hopeful romantic you know you can be.
Are you ready to rise?
My top 10 values.
1. Love.
To give and to receive it. To be a part of it. When it comes to making decisions, I have to ask myself if I’m moving in Love.
2. Joy.
Joy is something more than happiness, to me. Joy can look like pain sometimes, if it means I’m honoring my highest self.
3. Freedom.
For most of my life I felt very caged, which helped me realize my deep desire to feel free (while holding healthy boundaries).
4. Spirituality.
No construct could keep me away from my need for spiritual connection. With myself, with the divine, with all things.
5. Wisdom.
More than book knowledge, I have always had a penchant for gleaning and growing from not only my life experiences, but the experiences of others.
6. Relationship.
Friends, family, romance. These dynamics have always been so near and dear to me. Even as an introvert, I need well-trusted others. They are so important to me.
7. Creativity.
As a writer, musician, artist, what have you, I have always found blissful release in the outlets of creativity. It’s a particular kind of joy that I always want to hold onto.
8. Leadership.
Some say you’re born with it, some say you grow into it. Over time, I have stepped further into leadership and discovered: being a leader is part of my purpose.
9. Curiosity.
I describe myself as “ever-curious” because there is something innate in me that drives me to figure things out. I find exploration of life’s biggest questions, or even the miniscule dynamics of a romantic conundrum to be so fascinating and pleasurable.
10. Balance.
It is only very recently that I discovered how important balance is in one’s life. For me, it sometimes manifests as the vertical ascension into meditative connection with all things, obliterating the ego; and then subsequently grounding myself in the experience of being a human with the individuality and limitations of this realm, coming back to the ego with compassion.
What are your top ten values? Find out in a “Values” Discovery session.
“Whole Person Coaching is based on the premise that when a person comes to know, embrace and express all aspects of their whole self, they are positioned to thrive throughout their whole life. They become rich in resources, grounded in their being, and at peace within.”
— Feroshia Knight, Master Coach and Founder of CTW
So, how can I help?
I know what it feels like.
I’ve been in it. I have felt depressed, anxious, hopeless, confused; like I would always be stuck as a shit-out-of-luck sad girl. But that wasn’t true, and it’s not for you either! Sure, sometimes life might chew you up and spit you back out in the dirt… then stomp on you a few times over for good measure. But as with any hero’s journey, that’s not the end of your story.
I know how to facilitate growth & change.
As a certified professional coach and Applied Positive Psychology Masters of Science graduate, I am able to utilize evidence-based tools, interventions, and approaches to help you self-actualize and achieve your goals.
I know you can do it!
And I am here to help get you there. Through my work and research, I have seen first-hand the transformational power of the human will — especially when one works with a professional. With a little tenacity, hope, resilience, and a cheerleader by your side, I know you can have the life you dream of!